Rose Lalonde
"Don't you think people in the future will want to know about our story?"

"Yes, I do seem to be shadowed by each mystery and its somber cortege of riddles, don't I?"
Name: Rose LalondeAge: 13-21 (Verse dependent)Birthday: December 4th, 1995Title: Seer of LightSexuality: LesbianRelationship status: MarriedFamily: Dave Strider (Brother), Mom (Deceased), Roxy Lalonde (Mom/Daughter)Rose’s interests include a passion for obscure literature and creative writing (about which she is very secretive). Her passion for writing is shown several times in the story was she wrote a fictional story about wizards, she wrote psychological analyses for all her friends, a walkthrough for Sburb and a tome with all information about Sburb and it’s classes. She is interested in the bestially strange and fictitious and dabbles in psychoanalysis. Despite her mature exterior, Rose can also be quite silly. She enjoys knitting, having learned to do so after John’s gift of wool and needles for her most recent birthday. She also plays the violin.Rose’s personality can be described as one of stoic intelligence. There’s no denying that she’s one of the smartest characters, and she isn’t reluctant to show it through inventive use of her extensive vocabulary. She can seem snarky and even hurtful at times due to her constant sarcastic tone, and is fairly reclusive, rarely initiating conversation unless it is important. She conceals her true feelings rather well, and even appears incredibly calm about the prospect of dying in the destruction of the Green Sun.

"That's when the real tears will flow."
Early Childhood
At the age of six Rose had to learn how to take care of herself and to be independent. Her mother was a very famous scientist who had to travel the world showing people her research and going to meetings to get grants to fund more research. Truth be told Rose was never exactly sure what her mothers work was about since she seemed to dabble in all kinds of different sciences, but she speculates that it might have something to do with astronomy considering they have a ginormous telescope in their house. It also didn’t help then when her mother returned exhausted from working she would go straight for the bottle.Nevertheless due to her mother’s constant travels Rose basically took care of herself. Despite her mother’s very apparent alcohol problem she did try her best to be as good of a mother as she could be, but sadly it wasn’t enough. Rose would often be forgotten at school and would have to take the train home or have to finish whatever half started dinner her mom attempted to make. She learned to make her own meals and to dress herself for school every morning. Sometimes she would find notes from her mother in her lunch even though she didn’t see her at all that morning. You would think that out of defiance and anger she would throw them away immediately but she actually held on to every single one her mother gave her and kept them in a box under her bed.Eventually her mother’s drinking took a turn for the worst and she had to start taking care of her mother as well as herself. When Rose was just starting 5th grade her mom started working at home full time instead of the various labs she would visit. This led to her having more time to drink when she pleased, which was always. Rose would come home from school to find her mother strewn across the couch passed out with an empty body of something or other laying on the floor. She would either have to help her mother up the stairs to her own bedroom, or just throw a blanket on her and call it a day. Her interest in psychology came about at this time when she decided to look on the internet for why her mother would rather drink than take care of her. There were even a few times young Rose would take a few sips of her mother’s alcohol when she wasn’t looking, she figured that her mom always seemed happier after she drank, and Rose never really felt that happy so it was worth a try, but the stuff tasted nasty so she could never understand the appeal. After reading what the internet had to say about addiction Rose, at the age of eleven, diagnosed her mom with alcoholism.
School Life
As a result of the neglect of her mother Rose became a severely introverted child. In school she would never say anything unless she was specifically asked to answer a question. She never formed any long lasting relationships in school since she believed there was no point in doing so, and they would just leave her anyways. She would spend her recess alone reading a book or just observing the other children and how they behaved amongst themselves. The other kids didn’t like that she was “different” and would refuse to play with them so that made her a target of bullying very early on, further driving her to be more secluded and lonely.The worst of the bullying came during middle school when everyone was going through changes to their hormones and bodies and needed someone to take their insecurities and anger out on, and Rose was their perfect target. She would be the kid who would ruin the grading curve in classes and outshine them all in every way possible. It also didn’t help that it seemed that she was becoming more beautiful as time passed and gave no one the time of day. So the bullying was escalated to being called a freak with weird eyes and having people randomly push her in the hallway causing her to constantly drop her things. At one point kids were even vandalizing her locker with homophobic slurs. Rose never showed that it affected her in any way though. Internally it was causing her an extreme amount of pain and with no friends or even her mother to speak to she had to keep all these feelings to herself, and bottle them up.

"So it's a disorder, a complex, and then a disorder again for good measure?"
Due to the horrific nature of the game paired with her neglected childhood Roses own inner turmoil is far from stable to say the least. Although you would never guess because of her ability to mask her emotions. Despite her confident nature she can be a bit insecure especially when it comes to her own self-worth. It isn’t that she hates herself or anything of that nature it is just that she doesn’t believe that she is worthy of any sort of happiness. Of course she would never say as much out loud since she knows how her friends would react. She also has this nagging fear in the back of her mind that her mother’s drinking problem was caused by her in some way. She knows deep down that it probably isn’t the case but she has never talked to her mother about it, or really anything at all, so she will really never know.Speaking of drinking that is also still an internal struggle she has. While she has been sober for a while now it still nags her in the back of her head. Her mind sometimes says “Why are you delaying it? You will probably end up just like her anyway. You’ve read up on children with alcoholic parents and you know how likely they are to end up in the same black hole of depression.” But she tries to ignore it as best she can, especially when she knows she has someone like her wife to keep her grounded.She also has an overwhelming amount of regret for not trying to do more for her mother. Maybe if she had told her she loved her more things would have gotten better. Because despite everything she really did love her mother and she should have quite being an annoying angsty teenager long enough to actually tell her.Despite the grimdark event happening a long time ago she can still hear some whispering from the furthest ring. She wakes up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat when they try to reach out to her in her dreams. She doesn’t know if it is actually them or if it’s just her anxiety making it up.

"I require a font of frighteningly accurate yet infuriatingly nonspecific information."
Post Game: main verse
Takes place on Earth-C after the gameSburb
Rose is still trapped in the clusterfuck that is this gamePre-Sburb
13 year old Rose